Manual Installation

Installing the Mock Payments Bot is extremely easy. Use the link below to add the bot to your guild.

Client ID - 1280820607323209761

Click Me

To automatically install the bot in your guild..

Do not fall for phishing bots, the Mock Bot ID is: 1282758870464462973. Verify this whenever you are installing the bot in your guild, or user profile.

Assisted Installation

You are also able to install the bot using the following steps:


Join the Mock Official Community

Join the Official Mock Community Server at:


Locate The Bot

Locate the bot on the top right of the member’s list.


Click The Install Button

Click the install button, and follow the instructions.

Bot Behaviour

Each Mock command has a slash version, and a message version. The slash version will always respond in an ephemeral way, while the message one will always be seen by everyone in the guild.

Example - /store | .store